"Damn FDA! Why Can't They All Be Marshmallows?"
If I were ever stranded on a desert island and could have only one kind of food, it would be breakfast cereal, hands down. The original Bachelor's Chow, it can be eaten any time of day, with or without milk, as a meal or as a snack. To enter my childhood room, you'd have to wade through ankle-deep, pointy disposable crappy toys that were utterly useless yet still were often the fulcrum on which my cereal buying decision hinged.
My love affair with cereal started with King Vitamin:

I could scarf down bowl after bowl of this stuff as a kid. I think I stopped eating it when I was around 8 or 9. Much later (about 20 years later), I tried it again...and I hated it. It wasn't as sweet as I remembered, and it nearly instantly turned to mush when milk was added.
Then around the time I hit the big One-O, the time in your life when summers get shorter and candy isn't as sweet, I switched to Froot Loops:

I remember I would stay up late in the summer with my friend, and we'd watch David Letterman while eating Froot Loops and drinking Cokes and laughing like crackheads...those were heady times...
Soon, though, I lost my fascination with Froot Loops and moved on to Cap'n Crunch...the hard stuff, with the crunchberries. I'm such a sugar-crazed junkie, wandering the cereal isle in the hopes a little kid might rip a box open and I can get my next fix off the supermarket floor.

This guy's still got his hook in me. I don't know how he sleeps at night trading in human weakness and tooth decay.
Plus, he also sails around in international waters with a boatful of children...you do the math.
Now, though, I apparently have grown up and matured, as my favorite cereal is Cinnamon Life. Simple and wholesome, but still with a little bit of sugar to give it a kick...now that's good eatin'!
My love affair with cereal started with King Vitamin:

I could scarf down bowl after bowl of this stuff as a kid. I think I stopped eating it when I was around 8 or 9. Much later (about 20 years later), I tried it again...and I hated it. It wasn't as sweet as I remembered, and it nearly instantly turned to mush when milk was added.
Then around the time I hit the big One-O, the time in your life when summers get shorter and candy isn't as sweet, I switched to Froot Loops:

I remember I would stay up late in the summer with my friend, and we'd watch David Letterman while eating Froot Loops and drinking Cokes and laughing like crackheads...those were heady times...
Soon, though, I lost my fascination with Froot Loops and moved on to Cap'n Crunch...the hard stuff, with the crunchberries. I'm such a sugar-crazed junkie, wandering the cereal isle in the hopes a little kid might rip a box open and I can get my next fix off the supermarket floor.

This guy's still got his hook in me. I don't know how he sleeps at night trading in human weakness and tooth decay.
Plus, he also sails around in international waters with a boatful of children...you do the math.
Now, though, I apparently have grown up and matured, as my favorite cereal is Cinnamon Life. Simple and wholesome, but still with a little bit of sugar to give it a kick...now that's good eatin'!

I also love cereal and have it before bed, usually.
I was only allowed to eat Product 19 (they no longer make it) and Lucky Charms. At my father's house on the weekends I got to eat Sugar Corn Pops and Frosted Flakes.
Presently I have organic puffed corn with maple syrup on top.
Anonymous, at Tue May 23, 02:41:00 PM 2006
drmax-when I can't geta Duff, Slurm will do just fine.
ag-I've heard that cereal is a god snack before bed...something about it doesn't add overnight fat the way a ham sandwich would.
Isaac Carmichael, at Tue May 23, 04:18:00 PM 2006
Why does the really good cereal have to shred the inside of your mouth?
My favorite right now is Reese Puffs but I too started out on King Vitaman. Yummy stuff.
Sylvana, at Tue May 23, 10:06:00 PM 2006
OH! I don't remember King Vitamin. MY favorites were Cookie Crisp and Cocopuffs- I was/am a sugar fiend as well. Now, I go ape shit for Honeynut cheerios and Puffins . I've only tried Cinnamon and Peanut Butter.
Damn, I'm hungry now.
Shannon, at Tue May 23, 11:41:00 PM 2006
Oh, Fruity Pebbles. I forgot to mention Fruity Pebbles.
Shannon, at Tue May 23, 11:41:00 PM 2006
I love Apple and Cinnimon or Honey Nut Cheerios. They are sugar-laden cereals vailed in wholesome goodness.
Mmmmm. Wholesome goodness.
Shamus O'Drunkahan, at Wed May 24, 07:08:00 AM 2006
sy-Resse's? FOR BREAKFAST?!?
shannon-Love the Pebbles!
shamus-You can't go wrong with cheerios...they're designed so you can't choke to death on them...very user friendly!
Isaac Carmichael, at Wed May 24, 08:49:00 AM 2006
Breakfast cereal hasn't been the same for me since the big Frankenberry-Count Chocula breakup of '78.
Otto Man, at Wed May 24, 12:08:00 PM 2006
they used to be my favorite choice for breakfast bestellen tadalafil
Anonymous, at Thu Aug 14, 07:48:00 PM 2014
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