It All Comes Back To The Simpsons

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

"But First, A Look At A Local Holiday That Was Called 'Distasteful' And 'Puerile' By A Panel Of Hillbillies: Whacking Day!"

Gentlemen, start your whacking!

May 10th is Whacking Day...mark it on your calendar now and forevermore! This is one of the best Simpsons episodes ever! And the funny thing is, this stuff really goes Australia, anyway. It's the one day of the year I wish I was scared of snakes so I could go out and bash their little skulls in with a clear conscience. I guess I could always do what Homer does and set up a field of practice snakes to whack. Why do so many of my goals involve Simpsons (or South Park) re-enactments? Cuz I'm so hardcore, that's why!

Like all great Simpsons episodes, "Whacking Day" has a meaningful message or two behind the laughter. The first, and most obvious one, is that it's ridiculous to do something on the sole basis that it's a tradition. You need to take an objective look at things every once in a while to see if they make sense or not. At the end of the episode, the citizens of Springfield realize that snakes are usually more helpful than not, and decide to stop whacking them. Which is nice, but lessons like these usually don't stick in the minds of Springfieldians (or other US citizens). I mean, just look who they (and we) keep electing into office.

The other great message of this episode concerns education...basically showing that many of the kids in our schools who aren't performing well (like Bart) aren't necessarily dumb or troubled; they just learn differently than the "normal kids". Free to study what interests himself and to learn in a more interactive way, Bart blossoms into a lover of learning, retaining fatcs with least until they take him back at Springfield Elementary. And shouldn't that be the real goal of an education foster a love of learning? That's all you really need to do, and kids will, for the most part, do the rest by themselves. Of course, all children need a little guidance, but I think it's far more productive to assist them in pursuing their interests than in just telling them "the way things are". For example, they can learn (and more importantly, retain) math and chemistry knowledge from learing to cook and bake, or algebra and drafting from designing and building a treehouse, or civics and architechture from taking a tour of a state capitol building. The world can be one big classroom, and a love of learning can be the key to open the doors that stand between ourselves and our potential.

So, in conclusion, I think we all need to realize that we all have snakes to whack. Maybe your "snake" is shyness, or gluttony, or sluttiness. Whatever your "snake", why not use Whacking Day, May 10th, as the day you improve yourself and the world around you by the simple act of deciding to stop being such a fat, stuckup, goddamn whore?!?

p.s. If anyone can give me hints on how to get sound clips on me blog, you would totally be doing me a solid. Or, you could just buy this for me. Either way, I'd be eternally grateful and junk. For reals, yo.


  • Seriously? Just buying you that book would be my ticket to winning the undying love of one SS BOB? Sign me the freak up!

    Men: they're so easy to please!

    I think it's spelled "p-u-e-r-i-l-e"

    Also, I think Shakespeare made a similar point about reviewing why we engage in traditions for their own sake instead of for the sake of tradition with the whole Montague/Capulet feud. Two kids wound up dead...The Simpsons is clearly taking a less violent approach with snake battery. Then again, if Flanders and Mike Hubbell* are involved, they might argue that the snake symbolizes womankind, who tempted Adam in the Garden, in which case, I'm just going to go back to reading Shakespeare because that whole woman-beating thing is whack.

    *Mike, if you are reading this, I should say now that this is totally a joke. I know you don't smack your bitch up. Or any bitch for that matter. Sometimes, I think my humor doesn't translate effectively over the Internets (see also: Santorum baby.)

    By Blogger ORF, at Tue May 10, 11:51:00 AM 2005  

  • Looking to add sound clips to your blog? Check out ya need is a phone!

    Love your Simpsons reference...will link it to my site.

    By Blogger Mike Overall, at Tue May 10, 12:53:00 PM 2005  

  • Barry White singing about slithering snakes. Sooo sexy...

    By Blogger Maria, at Tue May 10, 01:01:00 PM 2005  

  • if you have an online storage site, you can save your sound effects there, and link them on your site, like this:

    < embed src="link to sound.wav" width="250" height="70" type="audio/mpeg" autostart="false" >< /embed >

    i hope that shows up. and loose the spaces between the <>. and you can make the width shorter. it will look like my post here

    By Blogger evilsciencechick, at Tue May 10, 03:12:00 PM 2005  

  • oh, and replace the "link to sound.wav" with the link to your sound effect, of course!

    By Blogger evilsciencechick, at Tue May 10, 03:13:00 PM 2005  

  • My snake is poor spelling...and lack of effort. Among other things, which I would list, except I don't want to .

    ESC & mike o- thanks for the tips.

    By Blogger Isaac Carmichael, at Tue May 10, 03:48:00 PM 2005  

  • For some reason I always thought that episode was a veiled reference to masterbation. Thanks for clearing that up!

    By Blogger Shamus O'Drunkahan, at Wed May 11, 07:13:00 AM 2005  

  • I am going to start my own tradition....Its going to be "Sit at work and screw off all day" Day...and I will observe it everyday....wouldn't want to break tradition.....

    By Blogger Randi@SowderingAbout, at Wed May 11, 11:33:00 AM 2005  

  • Use SSB. It's real easy. You can put it in your tool bar and everything.
    Masterbation, huh? I totally see that now. That must be why everyone was so excited by it and it turned Marge on. She's a freak.

    By Blogger Sylvana, at Wed May 11, 01:26:00 PM 2005  

  • "Do you want me to whack fast or slow? How about slow, then fast?"

    And I'll have you now is on my toolbar right now...I just always never use it.

    By Blogger Isaac Carmichael, at Wed May 11, 05:50:00 PM 2005  

  • Is that what whacking day means? Oops.

    By Blogger Scott, at Wed May 11, 07:23:00 PM 2005  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Blogger ORF, at Wed May 11, 10:05:00 PM 2005  

  • You'll have me "now"? Alrighty then!!

    By Blogger Sylvana, at Wed May 11, 10:06:00 PM 2005  

  • Not to be a marm about this, but it's spelled
    "m-a-s-t-U-r-b-a-t-i-o-n" people.

    I always say, if you can't spell it, you probably aren't doing it right.

    By Blogger ORF, at Wed May 11, 10:07:00 PM 2005  

  • I'm just glad someone else pointed he mis-spelling out instead of me; I noticed it right away too. I mean, sure, I'm a pretty cunning linguist, but no-one wants to be branded the spelling geek.

    By Blogger The Doc, at Wed May 11, 10:54:00 PM 2005  

  • bwaha! they can't hear us. obviously, SB and S are getting BIZ-ZAY!

    (which is spelled wrong on purpose, for effect)

    By Blogger evilsciencechick, at Wed May 11, 11:10:00 PM 2005  

  • So.... to wrap up:
    The Doc is a cunning linguist,
    Oh Really Factor is a spelling geek,
    and Shamus and Sylvana need more practice because they're not doing it right?

    By Blogger Scott, at Thu May 12, 12:30:00 PM 2005  

  • Scott, you left out the part about how SS BOB and Sylvana are totally getting it on. Or were. Since they posted last night. But whatever.

    And yes, it's no secret that I'm a HUGE spelling geek. Right, Bob? Oh,'re busy.

    By Blogger ORF, at Thu May 12, 02:36:00 PM 2005  

  • All that spelling talk got us hot! Instead of porn we watch spelling bees!!!

    By Blogger Isaac Carmichael, at Thu May 12, 02:39:00 PM 2005  

  • I thought the "masterbation" looked a little strange but the end product was the same so I figured what the hell!

    By Blogger Sylvana, at Thu May 12, 03:25:00 PM 2005  

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