"How Much Money Did He Piss Away On This?"
Of all the stupid ads (for diamonds, tickle-me-whatnots, etc.), the one I most despise is the insipid Lexus campaign. These ads take the worst of the greediness and consumerism and affluenza that have hijacked the holidays and compress it into a 30 second orgy of hedonistic debauchery and unrestrained self-indulgence...OK, maybe they aren't that bad, but Lord knows they do make the stomach turn. The couples make me sick; somehow even the token black couple looks WASPy.
In the Sy and SSB household, we have a little tradition where instead of buying gifts for ourselves and our friends and relatives (all of whom have too much stuff already, thank you), we go out and buy large quantities of toys for charity and large quantities of food for the local food shelves. And it makes us feel even better than buying a luxury car on a whimsical impulse like it was a box of chocolates.