"Ahhh...That's The Stuff!"
Speaking Truth to Power...Truth and Entertaining Lies, and isn't that, in the end, the real Truth? The answer, of course, is no.
Favorite TV shows: The Simpsons(duh), South Park, Venture Bros., Futurama, Home Movies. All cartoons, bee-atches!
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At first, there was a twinkle of happiness, "Oh, look PJ Harvey!," but when Bjork joined it...wow- double whammy. Now, my Friday is complete! Thank you!
Shannon, at Fri Nov 17, 02:50:00 PM 2006
Seriously... Shannon, you said exactly what the tingling in my chest was trying to communicate. Or is that a murmur... no... no, that's just an great combo!
I can't believe that the two of them teamed up... but it sounded GREAT!
Anonymous, at Fri Nov 17, 03:30:00 PM 2006
Why does Bjork try so hard not to look cute?
Shamus O'Drunkahan, at Tue Nov 21, 07:22:00 AM 2006
This is the greatest team effort since Voltron.
Otto Man, at Wed Nov 22, 12:07:00 PM 2006
¿You copy and paste it from someone who knows how?
Bjork kicks ass!
Sylvana, at Tue Dec 05, 12:30:00 AM 2006
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