"We Played Dungeons & Dragons For 3 Hours, Then I Was Slain By An Elf."
In a move that has resulted a cacophony of rejoicing emanating from parent's basements across the country, Dungeons and Dragons has entered the digital age and is now available for online play!
I first heard this news on the radio last night when they interviewed the creator of D&D, Gary Gygax from his home in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin (On, Wisconsin!). Sounding eerily like a 45 year old Milhouse, Mr Gygax expressed his surprise and pleasure at how widespread the game had become.
Of course, purists will say that you can have their graph paper and multi-sided dice when you pry them from their cold, dead hands. Of course, purists have no life, and their hands are usually kind of cold and clammy anyway.
I first heard this news on the radio last night when they interviewed the creator of D&D, Gary Gygax from his home in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin (On, Wisconsin!). Sounding eerily like a 45 year old Milhouse, Mr Gygax expressed his surprise and pleasure at how widespread the game had become.
Of course, purists will say that you can have their graph paper and multi-sided dice when you pry them from their cold, dead hands. Of course, purists have no life, and their hands are usually kind of cold and clammy anyway.
Seriously, that's the guys real last name? Well, OF COURSE he was going to invent D&D!!!
Sylvana, at Tue Feb 28, 05:01:00 PM 2006
This is a beautiful post. I read the article and couldn't put into words how I felt. The essence of role playing geek can NOT be digitized! Long live the non-life!
Anonymous, at Wed Mar 01, 05:25:00 AM 2006
So you mean now I can play D&D without all that awkward social interaction? Yaaaaaaaaay!
Now if I can just find a store that delivers Mountain Dew, I can fully realize my dreams of being a shut-in!
Irb, at Wed Mar 01, 05:53:00 PM 2006
I find D&D endlessly amusing. I only played once, and the fact that I was more interested in what outfit my halfling was wearing over the actual game showed me that I'm not the geek I make myself out to be.
Shannon, at Wed Mar 01, 06:37:00 PM 2006
sy- ::basking in WI love::
ag- I like to keep it old school too.
elizabeth- wow, those geeks were so geeky that they passed up an opportunity to interact with girls! Thus proving that not all geeks are all that smart.
irb- I'm beginning to get the feeling we were separated at birth.
shannon-bo-banon- don't be so hard on yourself, you're plenty nerdy.
Isaac Carmichael, at Wed Mar 01, 07:02:00 PM 2006
Nerd of the world, unite!
Maria, at Thu Mar 02, 04:07:00 PM 2006
Not Souter!
Otto Man, at Fri Mar 03, 08:59:00 AM 2006
All my friends played, and people that meet me would probably swear I played, but I never did.
Yet another feather in the Wisconsin cap, right next to "Big Foam Hats Shaped Like Wedges of Cheese". I make fun, but I come from the state that touts "we have the most unmarked graves as any state in the union". Dubious distinction to be sure.
Shamus O'Drunkahan, at Fri Mar 03, 11:46:00 AM 2006
dr. max- I rigged up my erector set for just such a purpose.
maria- We have nothing to lose but our multi-sided dice.
Um...aren't all dice multi-sided?
otto man- yup. You know who else?
Redenbacher and Byrne.
shamus- They should put that on the license plates...but I guess "The Empire State" does have the advantage of brevity.
Isaac Carmichael, at Fri Mar 03, 03:59:00 PM 2006
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