"I'm Soaring...Soaring Majestically Like A Candy Wrapper Caught In An Updraft!"
I love this quote...it reminds me of the scene in American Beauty where the plastic bag is caught in an eddy. Very zen.
I would like to pose a question, one that Sy and I have discused (and disagreed upon): would you rather have a million dollars or be able to fly? Choose wisely...
I would like to pose a question, one that Sy and I have discused (and disagreed upon): would you rather have a million dollars or be able to fly? Choose wisely...
With a million dollars, I should be able to buy myself off the no-fly list.
Lew Scannon, at Sat Feb 18, 01:50:00 PM 2006
If I could fly, I could make a million dollars and then I could have both.
Anonymous, at Sun Feb 19, 08:59:00 AM 2006
Million bucks, but reindeer. I could then do both.
Anonymous, at Sun Feb 19, 04:09:00 PM 2006
No, no, no...you're wrong, all wrong!
Flying is way cooler than material possessions. John Denver was a millionaire, but he was not cool. Come to think of it, he couldn't fly either.
That's not too soon, is it?
Isaac Carmichael, at Sun Feb 19, 08:35:00 PM 2006
I would save over a million dollars in gas in no time.
Also, I would give rides at local carnivals on weekends and make MAD money, plus be my own boss.
Becoming a Carney would be a fringe benefit.
Damn, now you gots me dreaming.
Shamus O'Drunkahan, at Mon Feb 20, 04:58:00 PM 2006
I'm torn, but I'd love to fly.
I guess I'll never make a practical decision.
And yes, the John Denver joke was too early.
Shannon, at Tue Feb 21, 11:39:00 AM 2006
I'm a very sedentary person, so I'd pick a million dollars over flying any day.
Now if the question was "Would you rather have a million dollars or a sofa for an ass?", I might have to ponder that one a bit more...
Irb, at Tue Feb 21, 03:39:00 PM 2006
shamus- if you ask me, carney folk is the best folk
shannon- is Bob Denver dead yet? Can I joke about him?
irb- sofa for an ass? Going to the bathroom would be a logistical nightmare!
Isaac Carmichael, at Tue Feb 21, 05:17:00 PM 2006
elizabeth- I'm scared of heights too, I get awful vertigo. And every time I am faced with a long plunge into the abyss, like at the Grand Canyon or being on top of a skyscraper, I feel this sickening compulsion to jump off. It's almost like a magnetic pull that I have to consciously fight.
But to my way of thinking, being able to fly should erase all of that. Unless, like Daffy Duck, I forget that I can fly while I'm falling. Which I could totaly see myself doing.
Isaac Carmichael, at Wed Feb 22, 08:33:00 AM 2006
I was going to say "fly" but you said to choose wisely. Now if I could fly, I could swoop down, steal purses from little old blue haired ladies (we all know how much dough they pack into those huge sachels) and be outta there before they realized they'd been hoodwinked. In fact, I could do the same to Donald Trump but it might muss up his rug. (I know it's not a rug; they don't make toupees that fugly)
I say it's never too early to joke in the name of the dead. Hell, Dennis Weaver's only been gone about an hour and I'm working up a full routine already.
Weary Hag, at Mon Feb 27, 04:12:00 PM 2006
OK, you didn't say if I would be the only one flying. Then I would be a freak, and who wants that? And I don't see the ability to fly contributing much to my, or any other, career goals. How exactly would I make money? I couldn't even run drugs because I'd be so conspicuous- the only person in the sky would stand out.
On the other hand, if everyone could fly, wouldn't I already be able to fly along with the rest of the world? That's a bad gamble.
Either way, the flying is a big rip-off. Take the money.
Anonymous, at Mon Feb 27, 07:10:00 PM 2006
I vote for the option to fly, coz otherwise I would just spend the million dollars on plane-tickets anyhow.
Astrid, at Thu Mar 02, 01:10:00 PM 2006
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Anonymous, at Mon Jan 15, 03:06:00 PM 2007
There are so many opportunities to make money with the ability to fly. Definitely flight
Agoonga, at Sun Sep 18, 04:32:00 AM 2016
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