"Dear God...I've Redorkulated!"
There are 10 kinds of people in the world; those who understand the binary system, and those who don't.
God help me, I'm such a nerd I can't stop giggling...
God help me, I'm such a nerd I can't stop giggling...
The morbidly obese, highly unattractive ex-IT guy at my work, after realizing I was a nerd, tried to hit on me using that joke. I really didn't want to laugh because I didn't want to give him encouragement, but I laughed anyways and needed to suffer more come ons for the rest of his employment.
Shannon, at Sun Sep 25, 08:36:00 PM 2005
Ok, I'm taking the GREs in a couple weeks and I was all worried that I'd totally bomb the math section since I haven't done a lick of any math worth mentioning since the day I marched out of my AP Calc exam my senior year in high school. That was over 7 years ago. But I get that joke. Which makes me think there's hope for me yet!
ORF, at Mon Sep 26, 10:21:00 AM 2005
evilsciencechick, at Mon Sep 26, 03:42:00 PM 2005
ESC- You're scary! Stop haunting me! Boo yourself!
Shannon- Sorry to dredge those memories up. Intelligence, in our society at least, is probably more trouble than it's worth.
ORF- good luck on GREs! I'm sure you'll do fine. Remember, "Brownie" is to Hurricane Katrina as "Mission Accomplished" is to Iraq.
Isaac Carmichael, at Mon Sep 26, 04:08:00 PM 2005
There's a billboard on I-15 that says that on it and I roll my eyes everytime I drive past it.
Maria, at Mon Sep 26, 04:29:00 PM 2005
I understand 1's and 0's and I can speak fluently in them:
1100011010101010101, 1010, and then she said, 1010101, but what the 10101110?
Blake, at Mon Sep 26, 05:36:00 PM 2005
Giggling is good unless you are drinking at the same time as well. I had friends laughing so much that the soda came right out of their nose!
Astrid, at Tue Sep 27, 07:19:00 AM 2005
To which I reply with this:
ORF, at Tue Sep 27, 04:06:00 PM 2005
nice.....im going to tell matt that today...
Randi@SowderingAbout, at Wed Sep 28, 02:11:00 PM 2005
I saw a t-shirt for sale on line that said that awhile back. good stuff!
cookie christine, at Fri Sep 30, 03:25:00 PM 2005
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