"Thank Goodness I Still Live In A World Of Telephones, Car Batteries, Handguns, And Many Things Made Of Zinc."
You can add diarrhea relief to that list. And you might remember that a few years ago zinc was in the news becuase of its cold-fighting abilities. Zinc is so versatile that it's classified as a transitional metal. Transition players are valuable atheletes, and I assume the same standards hold true in the world of chemicals. Good old Zn...atomic number 30...is there anything it can't do?
Those of you in the know who recognize the above quote should get an extra kick out of this MST3K short:
Mystery Science Theater 3000 short: Spring Fever (MST3K)
Those of you in the know who recognize the above quote should get an extra kick out of this MST3K short:
Mystery Science Theater 3000 short: Spring Fever (MST3K)
I can't remember how long it's been since I've watched MST3K... I LOVE that show.
Thanks for the short! That definitely made my day...
Christopher, at Thu Jan 04, 03:32:00 PM 2007
Oh Coiley, you magnificent bastard!
Shamus O'Drunkahan, at Tue Jan 09, 07:08:00 AM 2007
Although I have no comment, I will comment so you know I am still with you.
Anonymous, at Tue Jan 09, 04:39:00 PM 2007
Tom Servo: "Shouldn't this be over?"
I couldn't agree more, Tom. Thanks for this short, SSB. I have the collection of MST3K Shorts on VHS, but this one's new to me.
The Doc, at Tue Jan 09, 07:56:00 PM 2007
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